by Theresa Reed | Nov 6, 2021 | The Hit List
My father never missed going to mass on Sunday. He was a devout Catholic and although he didn’t follow the Ten Commandments to the letter, keeping holy the Sabbath Day (Commandment Number Three) was one he did – and insisted we followed it too. Every Sunday, we...
by Theresa Reed | Nov 5, 2021 | Astrology, Astrology Bytes, Podcast
ASTROLOGY BYTES: THE PODCAST Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies. Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!). Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who...
by Theresa Reed | Nov 1, 2021 | Astrology, Tarot
The New Moon in Scorpio 2021 will be showing up on November 4th at 5:15 PM EDT. While New Moons are ultra-fab for setting intentions, this one opposes Uranus minutes after arrival. This could deliver surprises – so you’ll want to remain on guard for...
by Theresa Reed | Oct 31, 2021 | Learn Tarot, Tarot Bytes
Tarot Bytes: The Podcast Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons. Episode...
by Theresa Reed | Oct 30, 2021 | The Hit List
My friend Alexandra Franzen abandoned social media years ago. I remember when she pulled the plug. At that time, I thought it was a bold but risky move. But she is happier without it – and her business is thriving. I’ve been on social media since 2009. For the...