by Theresa Reed | Apr 8, 2022 | Astrology, Astrology Bytes, Podcast
ASTROLOGY BYTES: THE PODCAST Bite-sized astrology lessons for total astrology newbies. Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady (psst…I am known for tarot but I’m also an astrology geek!). Welcome to Astrology Bytes, the astrology podcast for people who...
by Theresa Reed | Apr 2, 2022 | The Hit List
“Mom, how do you make your mac and cheese?” My daughter has asked me that a million times. The truth is, I don’t have a recipe. I make it just the way my mother taught me: cooked pasta goes into a buttered dish, toss in more butter, a bit of flour, salt, pepper, and...
by Theresa Reed | Mar 29, 2022 | Astrology, Tarot
The New Moon in Aries 2022 arrives on April 1st at 2:24 AM EDT and it’s not fooling around! Sandwiched between conjunctions with Mercury and Chiron, this particular lunation offers possibilities to talk it out and heal. This bodes well for relationships, but...
by Theresa Reed | Mar 28, 2022 | Learn Tarot, Tarot Bytes
Tarot Bytes: The Podcast Bite-sized lessons for Tarot beginners Created by Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady Welcome to Tarot Bytes – the tarot podcast for people who want to learn tarot…but don’t have all day. Short, bite-sized tarot lessons. Episode 227...
by Theresa Reed | Mar 26, 2022 | The Hit List
The past few weeks have been a lesson in slowing down. If you’ve been following my blog, you probably know I injured my ankle badly last month. I’m doing better, but this recovery is happening at tedious pace. The other day, I ventured out for a solo grocery run. My...