what about the lovers


We hear about them a lot.

I’ve read some heartbreaking blog posts about people’s experiences with them.

And recently, I attended a presentation where someone discussed haters and how to deal with them.

Yes, that was a topic that someone felt needed to be discussed.

Isn’t that sad?

That we even have to create whole blog posts and classes to teach people how to handle trolls and ne’er do wells who enjoy inflicting cruelty on other people.  This makes my heart (and head) hurt.

Imagine the energy those haters waste with all that viciousness that they unleash – often to complete strangers.

Now imagine the energy we waste focusing on those sorts of people.  Even if you have strategies in place for dealing with haters, they’ll lurk in the back of your mind and taint your view on business or the internet or life.

Even iron-clad boundaries can be penetrated and these people can leave their energetic footprints on your heart.  You might smile or brush your shoulders off…or even view haters as a sign of “success” but if you’re sensitive, deep down inside, it will still bother you.

So my thought:  let’s stop putting so much energy into haters, period.

Instead, focus on the lovers.

Pour all of your energy into the people who love you and love your work.

Give your attention to the ones who show up, who cheer you on, who purchase your service/product/art, who speak highly of you, who tell others about you, who sing your praises on social media, who leave positive reviews on amazon or yelp, who travel hundreds or thousands of miles just to see you….yes those people. Even if they are only a handful.  Love ’em.  Put them front and center.


Lavish them with your attention.

Focus all of your energy there.  Because they are the only ones who deserve your time and attention.

Love on,


@ Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2015

PS a little thing that I do with negative people (besides avoid them like the plague): loving-kindness meditation.  It’s simple!  Sit quietly and tune into your breathing.  Add this mantra on the inhale: “May you be free from suffering.”  On the exhale add this mantra: “May you be at peace.”  Send that energy to whomever is being hateful.  Do three-nine rounds, drop the mantra, just breathe.  Always remember that hurt people hurt people.  Send them that good mojo and then go about your business.  And back to lovin’ those lovers.

image from stock photography

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