
Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zones. This week, I’m getting way out of mine.

For one thing, I’m hitting the main stage at the Reader’s Studio bright and early this morning.  Being on stage in front of 200 of my peers?  Very challenging for an introvert like me who loves to hunker down in her office.

And the other thing: I’m not working.  I have taken the full week off with only light email duties and a hint of blogging.  (Hence, this one will be short.)  For a workaholic, this is tough.  The temptation to work instead of relax is there.

But I know that ultimately, this is all good for me.  Getting out of my shell and getting on stage will help me grow.  Taking time off work will help me relax and come back with more creativity and gusto.

It’s not easy but it’s all good.

How are you getting out of your comfort zone today?


Hanging with new tarot friends and Angelo Nasios.  The gorgeous gal on the right made me a beautiful necklace!  Will be wearing that on stage today for good luck.

Other stuff:

Learn more about the hosts of the annual Reader’s Studio: The Tarot School.  They have an excellent correspondence course.

Here’s what might happen if you smoke weed every day for fifty years.

“I was a starter wife.”  Justine Musk’s story.

Jen Louden’s course on Creating Your Own Mastermind was one of my favorite and best investments.   If you ever wanted to create your own, her course is excellent!

What are the lessons learned after nine years of blogging?  Susannah Conway shares hers.

Fiona Benjamin shares her wisdom on how to go pro with tarot. There is some stellar advice in her for any aspiring tarot pro.

There are lots of stories about how to start a business but few on how to quit.  I wrote a post on this over at the Coaching Blueprint.

So you’re about to become a minority: how to deal.  Too funny!

This book is catching my eye: Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot: The True Story of the World’s Most Popular Tarot.


What I’m Grateful For:

Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone

Good tarot friends

A husband to man the fort and herd the cats

Game of Thrones with friends

Discovering good cookies

Bringing a stash of tea

Gifts from friends and fans


Soundtrack for 4/25/15: King Kunta by Kendrick Lamar – this has been my vacation soundtrack


© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2015

image from Hilary Parry

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