soul proprietor

Ever wonder why some people seem to have a knack for business?  You know what I mean: they always seem to have their finger on the pulse of what’s hot…or effortlessly make the right decisions again and again.  They have strong business instincts.

I’ve got ‘em. In fact, I have a nose for business. All this biz stuff comes naturally to me. But some of that instinct is also due to simply being in business a long time and learning what to watch out for.

I have learned to pay attention.

That is the secret to having a good business instinct.

Just pay attention.

Here’s what I mean:

Pay attention to how you feel.  Something not sitting right in your tummy?  Does that offer feel a bit off?  Or are you feeling warm ‘n fuzzy?  What is your body telling you?  Before you make any major decisions, check in with how your body responds.  Feel good? Go ahead.  Feel funky? Take a pass.

Pay attention to people’s behaviors.  This is key whether you are taking on a new client or getting involved with a partnership of any sort.  If someone acts offensive or unprofessional, you shouldn’t ignore this. As Maya Angelou says: “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”  For example, I’m a stickler for time management – if someone can’t return my email in a timely manner or has a reputation for missing deadlines, I can’t take them seriously, ever.  And I won’t partner up or hire someone like that.

Never, ever take someone’s word over your red flags.  I had a friend vouch for two questionable people.  This person swore up and down that they were “good, honorable” people – even though I had seen some dubious online behavior. So I took her word and ignored my better judgement only to learn some hard lessons.  Now I don’t take anyone’s word, period.  I trust those red flags 100%.

Pay attention to business trends. What’s hot right now?  What are the tools everyone’s using?  If you are aware of the trends, you can be an early adopter.  Or you can do what I do: as soon as I see a bandwagon getting crowded, I jump the hell off.

Pay attention to something that keeps “nagging” you. In tarot, we believe that if a card keeps coming up again and again, it’s trying to get your attention.  It’s the same thing with business.  For example, an idea that keeps on percolating in your brain may turn out to be significant for your career.  If you find that anything seems to be “in your face” constantly, don’t blow it off or assume it’s some coincidence.  Start sitting with it – it may turn out to be a huge opportunity or, in some cases, the warning that will keep your business out of trouble.

That’s it.

Just pay attention.

Got it? Good. I knew you were paying attention.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2016

Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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