soul proprietor

How often should I send out a newsletter?

  • tweet?
  • put up pics on Instagram?
  • blog?
  • other social media/marketing type thing…

I get asked that a lot in mentoring sessions.  These questions are usually followed by: “I don’t want to bother anyone.”

Here’s the deal: you have to let that fear go.

People WANT to hear from you. Really.  And those that don’t, will simply choose to disengage.

That simple.

If you have a business, the public expects that you are going to be out there, engaging in some way.  And, every savvy business person also realizes that they must  be promoting in some way.  You can’t play Cinderella, sitting  home and expecting the glass slipper to just show up.

You have to let people know where you are, what you’re up to, what you have to offer.

But how often?  My answer is simple: that depends.  What feels right for your audience?

For some, a lot of engagement feels natural.  For others, a bit less works just fine.

Let me give you an example of how I roll:

My newsletter for The Tarot Lady goes out twice a month.  Soul Proprietor emails go out once a week.

I engage on Twitter a lot.  It’s my main social media channel.  I am especially active on Tuesdays, when I host a Tweet chat called #TarotRap.

On Facebook I post every day – but usually just my Card for the Day and any pertinent links to blog posts, sales, or special events.  The same for Google+.  I engage with fans on Facebook but rarely on Google+ because the audience is smaller and less active.

On Instagram, I post a daily video called Six Second Tarot.  I sometimes post other things but it’s more sporadic.  This same video is posted on Vine.

I also pin on Pinterest but I’m more sporadic with that too.

And I blog a lot.  Sometimes, every day of the week!  I adore blogging.  Truly.

It seems like a lot but I’ve got it all down to a science so I’m fast, furious, and able to maintain without overwhelm.

My rules:

In the case of newsletters, I let people know upfront how often they will hear from me.  This way, they aren’t surprised when I show up in their inboxes.  And most important: I keep my word. I don’t disappear for months on end. I’m always there…when I say I will be.

For social media, I’m consistent too.  People know where to find me and how to interact with me because I’m always in the same spot and a reliable Roger.  On Tuesdays, I let people know there will be more tweeting than normal on Twitter right before I start the #TarotRap chat.  This way, if they don’t want to be bothered, they can ignore me if they like!

The wisest strategy for you:

Pick something that is doable for you so you don’t get overwhelmed and then give up.  Next, let people know how often they might hear from you, especially for newsletters.  Finally: stick with it. Don’t pull a disappearing act.  Be consistent.

Another question I get asked:

Do I NEED to engage on social media?

My answer:

Some people, like my friend Alexandra Franzen do not use social media at all.  She doesn’t need to – she has a wait list of people who are dying to work with her.  If you’re in that boat, congratulations!  You can opt out too.

But Alexandra still blogs and sends out newsletters.

You might choose just that.  It might be enough.

The only way to find out: try it and see.

While that sounds logical, you’d be surprised at how many people try nothing or only test things out for a short while before throwing in the towel. It takes time to develop an audience.  Sometimes, years.

Just start…something.  See where it leads you.  Then: don’t stop.



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2016

Soul Proprietor Monday Memos

Grow your mind, body, soul business... without losing your mind, body or soul.

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