I can't see the future with tarot

Ever have this happen?  You lay out your tarot cards and are able to correctly (and easily) see the past and present but the cards in the future position say nothing to you.  It’s blankety blank.  Nada.

Or maybe you try your hand at prediction but every single forecast you make is dead wrong. 

A woman wrote to me not that long ago wondering why this kept happening to her.  She was able to see past and present with 20/20 tarot vision but never seemed to be able to dial into the future.

Let me start out by saying this:

The future is not written in stone.  No one can see all.  Cut yourself some slack.

And for those who dare to divine, hear this: no one is ever 100% accurate.  If someone is claiming some sort of 100% accuracy number, how did they arrive at that?  Did they follow through with every client that came through the door?  Seriously.  Don’t believe the hype.  None of that means NOTHING because you cannot measure it.

If you read tarot long enough, soon you’ll learn: you’ll be wrong.  Scary to put yourself out there and admit that right?  But it’s true.

It’s not an exact science nor is it always “on”.  (If it was, everyone would be using it.)  Plus, you’re human.  Mistakes can be made when you’re trying to forecast (ask your local weatherman and they will tell you the same).

Now let me say this:

Divination can be uncanny at times.  The people who do it well trust in their instincts, and have a luminous awareness of their thoughts/actions and surroundings, which gives clues to possible outcomes.

A good reader taps in and listens closely to their gut.  They follow the patterns towards the potential outcomes.  They see the potential of what may come.

But they are okay when they are not right on the money because they also know that the future can be squishy.  Things can change.  Signs can be missed.  People do an about face and go in a different direction.

There are some readers who will never bother to predict anything and others who try but are simply not able to see the future.  But guess what?  Does that really matter? In the grand scheme of life, the present moment is the only thing that matters.  Look at your life as it is NOW.  Begin making choices that are healthy and mindful.  Do that and you’ll see a very bright future ahead that you created, not one that “happened to you.”



©  Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2014

image from stock photography

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