
I love sitting down on Thanksgiving every year and taking a moment to say thank you to the people that keep The Tarot Lady hub (and my life) sane and working like a well oiled little engine.

In that spirit, I owe a ton of fist bumps to the following people:

To all my lovely clients both old ‘n new – if it weren’t for you, my tarot world would be very small indeed.  You make my job a joy, a challenge and a sacred mission.  THANK YOU for allowing me to read your cards. 

Alexandra Franzen for the brilliant strategizing and her way with my words.  I have worked with Alex for a few years and she’s the most important investment in my business.  This year, I also attended her Write Yourself Into Motion workshop in Minneapolis – despite a power outage, she delivered high wattage writing instruction.  I still look at my notes all the time.  She’s a treasure and a friend.  

Alison Monday of tinyblueorange, my super tech goddess.  She’s like my techie I Dream of Jeannie – I make a wish and she makes it happen.  (PS see you in a few weeks for dinner – cannot wait!)

Bri Saussy, the best damn cohost I could ever ask for.  Seriously.  We think so much alike, I’m wondering if we were separated at birth.  

Sara Sommerfield, my new graphic artist who stepped right in and got some logos done lickety split  when my other one went awol.

Amanda Krill, web designer and all around supa fly chick.  (PS Krill rhymes with Trill.  I may call you that from this point forward.)

Erika Lyremark – the coach with the most.  If you are serious about your biz, you don’t need to look further.  Trust me on that.  (Love you, chica!)

Nathan Briggs for saving my site when it got hacked and moving it like a smooth operator – saving my biz, my ass and my brain in the process!

Victoria Prozan for her supa phat Creative Ambrosia.  This is my new favorite program, hands down. Each week, I get a creative kick in the pants and this is giving my business new (necessary) inspiration.  If you are an entrepreneur and not in this program, you are missing out, big time.

Christie Hamlick for making my upcoming PDFs shine like diamonds!  You are a beautifully talented woman.  I look forward to working with you next year.

Fabeku for shoes, caftans and the willingness to consider spandex and fezzes – and so many business smarts that my head might explode.  Thank you for the friendship.  (PS You are a mad genius. When are you moving next door?)

Dyana Valentine – all around smarty pants and a woman that gets me thinking ‘n dreaming.  When I go to sleep at night I hope to dream as vividly and wonderfully as you.

Pace + Kyeli of Spiritual Rollercoaster Academy – I adore the Spiritual Rollercoaster Academy!  Smart stuff for spirit based entrepreneurs and a place where I can be my own weird self.  

Melissa Cassera – one session with Melissa opened up a lot of ideas.  PR might actually stand for Pretty Rockin’. Thank you.

Tiphani Montgomery – where do I start?  You gave me some of the best damn advice, ever.  Changed my mind and helped me to stop obsessing + set some boundaries.  Hell yeah!

Hiro Boga – Be Your Own Business Advisor is a continuous source of support, floating in the backdrop of everything I do.  Merci!

Bari Tessler – for creating the best damn program on money, period.  I’m getting smarter (and richer) every single day from Art of Money.  Everyone needs to get on this.  

Debra Smouse – this tarnished Southern Belle is a true kindred spirit.  Grateful to have her in my world.  {{HUGS}} 

Christina Rasmussen for reminding me (and us all) that there is life after loss.  Your work inspires me so much.

Liv Mueller – my uber talented musician friend who also gets me looking all glammed up when I need to.  XXOO

Share Ross – she rocks the world, the camera and so much more.  A shining star, through and through.  You’re doing good things in the world, homie.  Keep it up. (PS thanks for taking good care of my baby girl.)

Catherine Just – so damn adept at what she does – she awes me with her photography gifts.  Thank you for allowing me to be part of your Soul*Ful Summit – and for getting me to be a part time cat photographer (might be my new profession!).  PS Max is the cutest.

The Blogcademy – I loved The Blogcademy and learned so much!  This was one of the best expenses of the year.  Worth every single nickel.  Plus there were cupcakes!  (PS you guys are adorable.)

Joanna Powell Colbert – what would I do without you?  You raise my energy, support my work, help me to sift ideas.  THANK YOU for your master mind and generous friendship.

Hillary Parry – best apprentice I could ever ask for.  You’re going big places, lady.  Looking forward to watching your continuous growth.  

Jen Louden – thank you for the advice about writing.  I’m making progress (abeit slowly).  One page at a time……

Kristie Zahn –  my right hand woman for the upcoming retreat.  Oh, what a blessing you are!  XXOO

My fab yoga students.  Can you believe the yoga studio has been going for ten years?!  WOW. Humbled and grateful for your unwavering support!

Extra special thanks for three of my besties in the whole wide world:

Suzi – you are my main squeeze, my top dawg, my OM-mie and a mighty fine astrologer.  Thanks for the laughs, the rap offs, the secret prizes and just for always being there.  Even when we are too busy, we are always lurking in the shadows, ready to get a homie’s back if needed.  You rock.  

Donnaleigh – my soul sistah from another mistah.  Thank you for always listening and for being a true friend.  Underneath that softie Pollyanna exterior, I know there is one tough broad that will always rumble with me if I’m in trouble.  I like bringing out the thug in you.  <grins>

Georgianna – we share a love of black cats, a desire for truth and a fiercely loyal pact.  I know I can always count on you when the chips are down – or when I need a laugh.  XXOO


And the biggest gratitude  is for my loving husband, who is my rock,  and my children, who give my life meaning.  Thank you for being in my world.  I cannot do any of this without you guys.  



©  Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2013

There are probably many, many more that I may have forgotten to list.  So grateful on this day.  

So who are the people that you want to thank?  I’d love to hear who makes your world a better place!  Leave your gratitudes ‘n high fives in the comment section below:

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