Back when I made the decision to start my tarot business, the boss at my “real job” went behind my back and told people that I would fail.  After all, who would pay me for a tarot reading?  

He didn’t “get me” or my ambitions so he went around belittling my mission to anyone that would listen.

I chose to ignore his negative crap and quit my job immediately (when someone says I will fail, I’m all about calling their bluff without hesitation). Twenty plus years later, my business is thriving.  His business died shortly after I left.  Funny how that works, right?

What’s not funny about this is that this man went out of his way to piss on my dreams and mock my goals.  That was so uncool.  In fact, it was demeaning and could have discouraged me if I were the type that listened to haters (I don’t).  

I’m not the only person who has experienced this before.  I’ve seen many others shot down, had their work ridiculed, and been told that they can’t possibly “do that”.  In fact, recently my daughter was discouraged by a well meaning relative from pursuing a career as a writer and was instead pointed towards a menial “secure” job (mind you, she just graduated with an MFA in writing from a prestigious school).  

Why on earth would someone do that to anyone?  Fear?  Envy?  Concern?  It’s hard to say.  

But imagine if us big dreamers let that crap clog up our brains and frighten us into mediocrity.  What kind of world would we live in if we all chose to play safe and small?Scary to even consider, eh?  Sadly, it does happen more than I’d like to see.  I’ve witnessed many earnest people give up their dreams as they allow other peoples opinions stop them dead in their tracks.  

When people pooh-pooh your goals, the message they are sending you is this:

    • Stay little.
    • Don’t rock the boat.
    • Don’t show me up.
    • It can’t be done.
    • How dare you.
    • Play safe.
    • Pfffttt……

Don’t let that noise deter you.  Instead:

    • Play big.
    • Capsize that boat.
    • Be loud and proud – and encourage others to do the same.
    • Prove it.
    • Dare to be more.
    • Take risks.
    • Put the haters on ignore.

The world needs big dreamers, creatives, risk takers, entrepreneurs and original thinkers.  Will you be one of them?  And more importantly, will you cheer on those who are courageous enough to take the leap?

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” ~ Mark Twain



© Theresa Reed | The Tarot Lady 2012

Has anyone ever tried to discourage you from going after your big dream?  How do you handle this?  I’d love to hear your feedback on dealing with belittlers (is there such a word?  LOL) in the comment section below:


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